Bull Financial

20 Years Experience in the Financial Industry

An independent firm focusing on all aspects of advanced retirement planning to help maximize our client’s assets.


The Bull Financial Roth IRA Guide


401(k) Self-Directed Brokerage Account Guide

Meet Barry

“Experience is our greatest asset.”

Click below to hear what we’re all about.

Our Strategy

We seek to create successful financial plans by maximizing actively managed assets within a tax-advantaged framework.

Custom Planning

Structured planning in the pursuit of maximizing assets while simultaneously concentrating on lowering the cost of taxation over a client’s lifetime.

Administered Portfolios

Helping to create tactical allocations in the attempt to enhance current growth.

Distribution Strategies

Strategies that focus on securing while potentially increasing assets and income.

Our Mission is Simple

To provide industry leading investment, tax, and income financial planning.

Our Philosophy Focuses on 3 Main Objectives:

Understanding our client’s goals – long-term, mid-range and short-term

Developing a plan based on 20 years of experience, skills, and knowledge in the financial industry

Maintain accountability throughout based on proper communication and monitoring of investment returns


Money is not peace of mind. Money is not happiness. Money is, at its essence, that measure of a man’s choices.

– Marty Byrde

Our Firm

As an independent firm, we are focused on all aspects of retirement planning to maximize our client’s assets. 

Our Services

We offer a full range of investment and financial services that allow us to structure each client’s strategy to their personal situation. 

Our Approach

We feel retirement planning has become outdated and generic, meaning that new techniques and strategies are required.
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